
Friday, October 10, 2008


Look Out PoINT..i've heard of this place for quite awahile and last few days before i've seen it from newspaper....there's a lil introduction of this place with a lil map of it...
as it keeps emphasize that there can take a full KL's night view...sounds interesting huh...
so we just depend on the lil map & Kai's 2006/2007 (outdated) directory map book to start our adventurous journey again...
aikss...we almost spent 2hours to reach there coz it was quite jam due to the ''jiu huang ye'' celebration at Ampang...i was so exciting at 1st n after 2hours i was tiring like dead fish since morning i went sing K with loupo Swan,Squave n Sy @ Redbox...oohh ya..Squave,10s for ur sakae ya..hehehe...
aikss..when i took this pic KLCC had turned its light off...but it still looks perfect
another problem i've to complaint is CATS are all around there...OMG!!!!
Fashion Queen is a cat phoebia ok...omg omg!!my image gone kaukau thr coz i scream until......

there are 3 restaurants at LOOK OUT POINT & Gasoline is da most affordable for us..hehe...

bro Kai

me me me me...

blur blur darling...lolz..bro's skill lousy!!!boooo

our drinks

yuckiest chicken's hard like rock man...yeeeeee

after 12am as we wanted to wait for firework at somewhere of the KL as we can see from top we just climbed up to the tower to catch a more clearer KL night view....
omg...da tower is so damn high man...i've to admit Fashion Queen is born to be a tall phoebia...arghh...leg shaking while climbing up da stairs...

black n white

my darling...muak muak

fashion queen with KL's nightview...definitely will miss it!!!

goodnight KL!!!!
@@@@@THE END@@@@@

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