
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I know all my lovely darlings were being damn stressed-up now with their hectic coursework...
other than mentally support them i would rather help them ease of stress by posting up videos...
video sharing session for this time is mainly focus on SNSD's Gee as the dance steps are really adorable...but try to imagine if a bunch of guys were doin the dance...hehe
i really cant stop laughing by repeating it over & over coz they even dance more better than me...
now i only realised guys can really do a good wave & butt shaking too...ENJOY!!!!

lets 1st start off with the original SNSD'Gee version

GEE Uncle Version~~~
OMG OMG!!!!the guy with the pink hair band did scared me kaukau~~=.=''
i love this version the most...whaahahahahaha!!!!!

GEE Harvard's Law Student Version~~~
there's no typo error as they are performed by a bunch of law student from Harvard University in students are just normal person like u & me so its really need not to be like ''wow'' does need entertainment too & it does proves that the power of K-Pop!!!
Pls focus all ur eyes on the yellow shirt guy even though u're not u would be definitely attracted by him!!!!his butt shaking &flexible body attracted me the most & made me laugh like mad!!!

@@@@THE END@@@@@

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